The Responsibility, Validation & Discernment Behind the Craft

Lately we have seen spirituality and mysticism become mainstream in many ways, and it seems like everyone is calling themselves a psychic or medium these days. But what does that actually mean? What qualifies someone to take on that title? And most importantly—what is the ethical responsibility that comes with it?
Being a true psychic or medium isn’t just about intuition, feeling intuitive or the ability to pick up on energy. It’s a highly developed craft—one that requires study, deep understandings, experience, discernment, and above all, integrity. The work we do isn’t just about “having a gift” or “reading energy” ...It’s about providing clarity, insight, and empowerment in a way that is evidence-based, ethical, and responsible.
The Rise of the Self-Proclaimed Psychics
In this wild digital age we're all still getting used to, it’s easy for anyone to slap “psychic” in their bio and start charging for readings. But just because someone feels intuitive doesn’t mean they are trained, responsible, or qualified to guide others...stay with me here...
True psychics and mediums don’t just “read energy”—they understand the science behind their work.
They study:
✔ Metaphysics, quantum physics, quantum mechanics and quantum entanglement along with symbolism, spirituality and many other in depth topics to gain understanding of their ability.
✔ The mechanics of intuition and how it interacts with the subconscious mind.
✔ Energy fields and frequency—how they shift, change, and influence perception.
✔ Neuroscience and psychology—understanding bias, cognitive influence, and trauma response in their clients.
✔ Ethics and responsibility—knowing when and how to deliver messages in a way that empowers, rather than instills fear or dependency.
To be a true professional in this field, one must move beyond parlor tricks and vague statements and into measurable, evidence-based work, insight and information. Practicing as a evidential medium/psychic (evidence based) is key and it is possible, if you know what you're doing.
What It Means to Be an Evidence-Based Psychic or Medium
Discernment is the foundation of being a legitimate, responsible psychic or medium. That means:
• Validation in the information received. The messages and insights should be specific, accurate, and actionable—not just general statements that could apply to anyone.
• Understanding your own biases. Not everything that comes through is “divine truth.” A responsible psychic questions their own intuition and strives for clarity.
• Never leading clients into fear, dependence, or manipulation. If a psychic tells you something that makes you feel powerless, they are not empowering you—they are controlling you.
• Being willing to say “I don’t know.” True professionals do not need to have an answer for everything. If something isn’t clear, they say so.
Too many self-proclaimed psychics are feeding their clients’ need for quick answers instead of teaching them how to trust themselves. A true psychic employs your power with their insight, the others just create karma.
The Clients You Attract as a Psychic or Medium
One of the most overlooked aspects of calling yourself a psychic or medium is understanding the type of client you will attract. I cannot stress this point enough!!!
Many people seeking psychics are in a truly vulnerable state. They're looking for clarity, healing, or validation. Some are desperate for answers, others are in deep grief. And unfortunately, some just want a quick fix—someone to tell them what to do, who to love, or what will happen next. This is where the psychic must be extremely diligent to adhere to strong ethics and morals in the practice!
If you take on the role of a psychic without discernment and responsibility, you will inevitably attract clients who:
• Want you to make decisions for them rather than empower them to make their own.
• Become dependent on readings instead of developing their own intuition.
• Seek entertainment rather than true personal development.
• Project their fears onto you, blaming you if things don’t unfold the way they expected.
This is why integrity matters. The best psychics and mediums do not just “give answers”—they teach others how to navigate life with clarity, sovereignty, and self-trust.
The Power of Employing Others’ Strength, Not Just Giving Answers
Being a real psychic or medium is not about impressing people with accurate readings. It’s about using your ability to employ the power within others so they don’t always need to rely on you.
A responsible psychic:
✅ Encourages their clients to develop their own intuition.
✅ Helps people see multiple perspectives instead of giving absolute answers.
✅ Guides clients toward self-awareness, not just future predictions.
✅ Knows when NOT to read. Some situations require healing, coaching, or therapy—not a psychic reading.
The real work is about helping others trust themselves, find clarity, and stand in their own power.
Final Thoughts: Integrity Over Everything
If you call yourself a psychic, ask yourself: Have I earned that title? Have you studied the mechanics behind what you do? Have you practiced discernment? Do you uphold a standard of ethics in your work? DO you understand the people you will be working with?
For those of us who have devoted ourselves to make this our life's work, we deserve to label ourselves a psychic or medium, and for the rest, who playfully enter this space, I invite you to take a second look at the integrity you bring to the table and in the work.
This is not a game.
It is not a party trick.
And It is not about you.
Too many times I've seen people put sensationalism around this work and turn it into showbiz-taking the egocentric path rather than the path of essence.
It is a sacred responsibility—one that, when done correctly, can transform lives. But when done irresponsibly, it can mislead, harm, create deep karma and disempower.
So, if you are in this field—or seeking guidance from it—choose integrity, choose discernment, and above all, choose empowerment over dependency.
Because real psychics don’t just give answers... they help people find their own.
Take care of your hearts!
Yours truly,
XO Kimberly